Peristiwa ter-jadi.

Kisah ini terjadi pada satu hari di hari raya.

Pada satu hari raya, my jiran datang ziarah rumah and bawak bersamanya buah stroberi. Fuh, mata I dah terkilau-kilau kilauan emas. Buah-buah merah sederhana gemok tu I masokkan dalam peti sejuk sambil berkata, ‘Esok aku ada agenda dengan kamo!”

Semalam, my jiran bagi buah stroberi. So, I cadang nak make use of those stroberi hari ni. I keluarkan empat biji telur dan clean them thoroughly. Dengan kebijaksanaan yang bersaiz nano, I trus separate yolk and white. I whisk white eggs sampai it become quite stiff, quite soft and boleh bentuk mountain-like at the edge of whisker. I add one spoon of sugar at a time. All together satu cup of gula. And, of courselah, bila gula tak melarut dalam telur putih, I pun meneruskan whisking process. To my surprise (remember kebijaksanaan I bersaiz nano okeh), I whisk and whisk sampai suddenly the white eggs flatten again. “Ibbbbbbbbbbbuuuuuuuuu!!” And I scream to my mom. She said, “Its a basic thing to make sure your egg is at room temperature.” Hah! Terbaiklah I. So, apa nak buat dengan egg whites yang dah over whisk?? Plus ada lagi egg yolks yang belum beaten. Dengan kebijaksaan bersaiz nano, maka I pon dump in the rest of egg yolk together with one cup of super-fine flour. The batter become thicker. I bake in 180 oC for 25min. I let it rest for one day sebab I kena balik kampung.

Semalam, I plan nak buat pavlova and suddenly bila white eggs I tak jadi, I turn them into cake yang rupanya ja macam cake tapi rasa macam bahulu. So, hari ni I cadang nak gunakan cake base tu untuk buat tiramisu. I keluarkan cream cheese dari fridge and baru I sedar I tak der heavy cream. Dengan kebijaksanaan nano, I google substitute untuk heavy cream and made one. 1/3 of milk mix with 3/4 of melted butter. Then so-called heavy cream tu I mix dengan cream cheese. Seriously, tak jadi! So, tak tahu dah ape nak buat, I keluarkan cooking coklat. I melt some and mix butter and a bit of milk to make them glossy. Last-last, I combine smanya skali. Susun everything in layers and put them in fridge.

Siang tadi, I combine pavlova and tiramisu into one. I let them cold in fridge. Dengan kebijaksanaan nano, I perasankan diri I yang I ni dah berjaya buat resepi baru. Siap nak namakan resepi I tu LovSu because its a combination of pavLOVa and tiramiSu and of course my name too! Ohooii, puh-leaselah! Anyway, here is how LovSu looks like:


Taqaballahhuminha wa minkum

4 thoughts on “Peristiwa ter-jadi.

    • The photo effect is quite good eh? hehe~ It was edible but I think I should make the cream cheese more. But my family enjoyed them. I guessed strawberry and chocolate goes really well with something a bit sour like cream cheese. Oh, yes! I forgot to mention I spread some coffee on each layers which gives a slight bitter taste 🙂

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